
Dental hygiene

Dental hygiene is the professional removal of dental calculus and pigments (dark spots) from the tooth surface by a dental hygienist using the most advanced technologies. 



Dental hygienist - completed higher education in dental hygiene at MUDr. Kovaľová in Prešov. "My work is my hobby, and my patients enjoy visiting us."


The duration of the treatment depends on the condition of the patient's oral health.

dentálny hygienik - Bc. Erik VENCEL

Dental hygiene is the professional removal of dental calculus and pigments (dark spots) from
the tooth surface by a dental hygienist using the most advanced technologies. It is important to note that dental calculus
is not hereditary. Its formation is caused by inadequate dental care for the teeth and gums.

Dental plaque is the main cause of tooth decay and the most common cause of diseases affecting the hard and soft
dental tissues in the oral cavity. If it is not regularly removed, it mineralizes and forms dental calculus.

Dental calculus forms on the tooth surface from soft plaque that is not properly removed,
and each of us can clean it using a toothbrush. The initial signs of poor oral hygiene include plaque accumulation on the teeth,
redness of the gums, and possibly swelling (gingivitis - gum inflammation).

If the soft plaque is not removed within a few days, the first mineralized layer called .DENTAL CALCULUS. forms.
If calculus forms below the gums, it is referred to as subgingival calculus. If it is not removed, irreversible damage to the
soft tissues and bone that hold the tooth firmly in its socket occurs.

Yes, later on, it can lead to mobility and eventual tooth loss (periodontitis)


Dental hygiene is performed in several nearly painless steps:

  • removal of larger deposits using ultrasonic instruments
  • detailed cleaning of the teeth with special instruments (curettes) for thorough removal of plaque
  • Air-FLOW or sandblasting technique (special powder + water + air) to eliminate all remaining plaque and tooth discoloration (from coffee, tea, red wine, cigarettes)
  • polishing of the teeth with a special polishing paste
  • instruction on using oral hygiene aids for home care (as needed).


For a perfect feeling of clean teeth, we recommend the Phillips Sonicare sonic technology.

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